Your violence, and preaching violence, is going to get you things you aren't equipped to handle.
I'm not advocating anything other than toning it down. But I'm giving you a warning that I doubt you'll heed.
The people you're attacking have been pretty patient and mild. If you keep it up, though, they will get angry.
Most of them have had military training. A good, large number of them have weapons. Some of them are as loose in the cranial cavity as many of you, but aren't prone to acting stupid until provoked enough.
ANTIFA went to disrupt friendly, non-violent gathering. They used bottles, rocks, sticks, fists, gloves with metal in the lining - anything available to them to "smash fascists" (cute, since ANTIFA acts much more fascistic than most of the people they attack). Most of them were honestly surprised to find that the other side fought back. More than that, the other side fought back well against the weapons the ANTIFA crowd employed.
So what does ANTIFA do? They start selling weapons (it's a good thing for an anti-capitalist bunch to get involved in capitalism, huh?) and thought that would level the playing field. Some of the "weapons" were even fakes!
How's that working for you, ANTIFA? About as well as the bike lock did for the now unemployed professor in Berkeley?
I see talk of a coming civil war. That's 100% in response to you groups on the left that get involved in violence and those who preach it. (Yes, that includes you politicians who need to remember you aren't above the law whether you think you are or not. Incitement IS a crime!) Some already think we've entered it. Those are the people who are preparing to react when they think it's necessary.
I promise you, no matter how ready you think you are, no matter how badly you think you want things to go this way, you're wrong.
Stop it now! You may never have a second chance!