You failed at repealing Obamacare once when all you needed to do was pass the same repeal bill you did before. Not doing so and replacing it with the first mess you had shows me you weren't serious. Not this year, not last year. But last year was easy because you knew it wouldn't go anywhere. Your time is running out. The fact that one finally made it out of the House means next to nothing since what comes out of the Senate will be completely different. Neither one will actually repeal, no matter what the Senate finally comes up with.
Passing such a mess of a continuing funding bill shows me you have no desire to reign in spending. Not that I'm surprised. I noticed long ago that a lot of the Republican party loves to spend like the Democrats. The only real difference is the Democrats want to raise taxes to spend more while Republicans like to go into debt to do the same spending. That's not what I voted for. That's not what millions of Americans sent you there for.
Finding an excuse not to start a wall tells me you want unfettered immigration, and illegal immigration in particular. Are your maids and gardeners more important to you than the native-born people who vote? Are your payoffs from lobbyists and donors worried only about their illegal hired help higher on your list of priorities than the people who elect you? Sure looks that way.
Now you're all tied up in the lies and deceit made up by the Democrats and the false-news press. Worse, some of you are making up your own lies and deceit that supports the Democrats that are working to undermine you.
What have you done this year? I mean, what have you really done? Nothing that I can see.
Illegal immigration is down. Thank you POTUS. Deportations are up. Again, thanks President Trump. Twice there were attempts to temporarily halt people from terrorist nations (the fight to halt those is still not over). Thank you Donald.
Jobs are starting to come back. The ground work for that started late last year. By whom? DJT.
The stock market is up, MS-13 is being rounded up, pedophiles are being caught and arrested, the trade imbalance has improved, businesses have promised to invest even more into this country, efforts have been made to expand offshore drilling, new rules have been established to clean up the VA and ones to allow vets to move outside the VA system when the VA isn't responsive or capable, ISIS has been attacked, the military command has been given authority to do what they need to do instead of waiting for bureaucratic orders, costly and unneeded EPA rules have been suspended, enforcement of some sections of Obamacare has been halted, relations with Russia and Israel have improved, the UN has been put on notice that they need to clean up their act, NATO partners are finally ponying up more to maintain the alliance like they agreed to do years ago, and many other things have happened.
Which of those have you people in the Legislative Branch been responsible for? Oh, that's right. Not a single one of them. Those were all done by the President of the United States.
What have you done? Went on vacation. Failed to pass one fake "repeal" bill and finally passed another that doesn't do what you promised. Cowered in the corner every time the fake media called you something or asked you a question or made up some new false story about the President. Bad-mouthed the guy in your own party who is actually getting some things done (not WITH you, but IN SPITE of you). And a couple of committee chairmen have gotten fired up and tried to correct things or find out some truth. Other than that I see zero.
Not much to run on, huh?
I'll tell you this. Several of you are going to be primaried. That's a promise. (Not my doing. I don't have any influence. But I can read tea leaves when they're so blatantly obvious.) That's both good and bad. Good because you need to go. Bad because it strengthens the even more worthless people in the other party, strengthens them enough that the seat may change hands. But if it happens, that will be your fault, too. It will be your last act, your final step to do your part to destroy what's left of this country. Because you'll never be back either. (Knowing how corrupt the other party is, there's every chance it will never change hands again after that because they'll make it against the law.)
But don't assume you useless obstacles will be back again. Even if the seat stays with the party, you can bet you'll be gone.
You can go become lobbyists? Really? How's that going to work when there's nothing left? Who will listen to you when Democrats are running everything and they only listen to fellow Democrats, Marxists, communists and similar-minded utopians? They only sort of listen to you now because you're in their way. You'll become a nobody like me once they don't need you any more.
Unless you start getting your act together. And soon. Time to grow some genitalia and get to work!
What we the people want is simple. You already know it, but refuse to act. Even so, here it is again in no particular order (except numbers 1 and 2):
- a border wall
- get rid of Obamacare 100% - make completely new legislation for anything that needs to stay, but don't leave one letter of the original broken law unrepealed
- cut taxes
- do some real spending cuts , not reductions of planned increases
- defend those in your party
- ignore the press who has no influence outside the Washington bubble
- protect the vets who protect this nation
- protect this nation (goes along with the wall, but also includes such things as halting immigration and forcing assimilation before it begins again, protection against terrorists, cracking down on criminals, etc)
- turn back the tide of growing Islamification of the nation (probably should be number 1 or 2 on the list) before we're like Europe, with LEO no-go areas, rampant rape, terror, knifings and all sorts of other crime and mayhem caused by pretend-refugees who refuse to assimilate
It really isn't that hard or that much. But you'll need to get to work now. Next year will be too late for you, and probably for the country.
The year is almost half over. And next year most of what you'll do will be for show because of the upcoming election. So you need to get moving now. In all honesty, we both know it will be too late once fall gets here and you get tied up in more vacations and breaks while we the people are working to pay you to do nothing at all except pretend to be busy doing the things you're not going to do anyway.
I'm not telling you much of anything you don't already know. But now you know we know it, too. So stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. It doesn't work any more.
Look at the list above, get started and get as much of it done as you can. Or keep doing what you're doing and watch everything slip away. Because it will.