Today I heard another "cultural appropriation" claim. This time it was boomerangs. The claim was that boomerangs couldn't be used or talked about or somesuch by anybody other than "indigenous Australian aboriginal people."
In my mind it was yet another case of nonsense being pushed by the permanent victim class (which, these days, is everybody except white males). I didn't hear too much in-depth on it. But I'd be willing to wager that the complaint wasn't even made by an "indigenous Australian aboriginal" person, but by a completely different busybody, or group of busybodies, who make it their business to stick their noses everywhere they don't belong.
But it got me to thinking. All of the claims of "cultural appropriation" are designed to intimidate, shame and scare normal people. Many end up demanding reparations for "appropriating" the "culture" of the "victim" or "victim class" of people.
Following my train of thought led me to thinking about all of the "culture" that has been "appropriated" from white males over the years. And I started compiling a list:
cell phones
paved roads
house wiring
toilet paper
electric stoves
electric ovens
the safety razor
the straight razor
disposable razors
That's just a few off the top of my head. And I'll admit I didn't research it, so maybe one or three aren't white inventions. But I guarantee most are. I'll bet anything I could come up with hundreds more without working too hard at it, too.
That's a lot of microaggressions I'm forced to deal with!
So now that I have a lot of reasons to be "victimized" for my "culture" being "appropriated" by people of other cultures, I hereby demand you non-whites stop using my cultural creations or pay we whites reparations.
I'm not joking. Unless you'd like to stop your jokes and call it even.
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